Activity Log

by Shantanu Oak



Select a number from 1 to 4 and submit if the activity was success (thumps up) or not (thumps down). Save your 10 digit contact number when you use the app for the first time. No need to register or login. If you do not want to share your mobile number then use any 10 digit random number that no one can guess for e.g. 1611197012The reports are available online for any number here... the number 1234567890 with the number that you have saved in the app)Use cases:1) Patients can use it to record if they have taken medicines 2) Companies/ Small offices can use it as attendance log. 3) Coaching classes can ask for feedback from students during live training session.Self check-in supported for office, swimming pool and joggers park (activity No. 5, 6 and 7) Click on IN / OUT button to know the exact time spent.Expense Tracker includes 3 buttons for vegetables (grocery/ hotel expenses), travel and medicines. (activity No. 8, 9 and 10) You can use medicines tab to record other expenses like movie ticket, cosmetics etc.